Trust wallet not showing balance.
If you're having trouble seeing your Trust Wallet balance, there are a few things you can try. Restarting the app or your device often helps fix minor glitches. If that doesn't work, try deleting and reinstalling the app. You may also need to update your app to the latest version. Lastly, make sure you're logged into the correct account. If you're still having trouble, reach out to Trust Wallet support for help.
Why my trust wallet is not showing balance?
There could be a few reasons why your trust wallet may not be showing your balance.
1) There could be a problem with your trust wallet's syncing. Try restarting your trust wallet and see if that fixes the issue.
2) You might not have enough trust tokens in your wallet to view your balance. You need at least 100 trust tokens to view your balance.
3) Your trust wallet might not be connected to the network. Try restarting your trust wallet and see if that fixes the issue.
4) Your trust wallet might be offline. Try restarting your trust wallet and see if that fixes the issue.
What should I do if my trust wallet is not showing balance?
If your trust wallet is not showing balance, please follow these steps:
1. Make sure that your trust wallet is synced with the network. This can be done by opening your trust wallet and clicking on the "Sync" button.
2. Check to see if the "Show Balance" button is enabled. By default, this button is enabled and should be showing your balance. If the "Show Balance" button is not enabled, please contact support at [email protected] for assistance.
3. If the "Show Balance" button is not enabled, please contact support at [email protected] for assistance.
How to fix trust wallet not showing balance issue?
If you are not seeing the balance of your Trust Wallet in your account, there are a few things you can do to try and resolve the issue. First, please make sure that your Trust Wallet is connected to the internet and has a valid Bitcoin address. If you have recently updated your Trust Wallet, make sure that the latest version is installed. If you have not updated your Trust Wallet in a while, you can download the latest version from our website.
If you have tried connecting your Trust Wallet to the internet and have verified that it has a valid Bitcoin address, but you still cannot see your balance, you can try restarting your computer. You can also try refreshing the page in your browser.
Is there a way to check my trust wallet balance without opening the app?
Yes. To check your trust wallet balance, open the trust wallet app and go to "Account Overview." Under "Balance," you'll see the current balance of your trust wallet.

How to check trust wallet balance if the app is not working?
If the trust wallet balance is not loading, there could be a few things that are preventing it from loading. One possibility is that your internet connection is not strong enough. Another possibility is that the trust wallet was not installed correctly. If you are having trouble loading the trust wallet balance, you can check your balance by going to and clicking on the " BALANCE " button.

Trust wallet Troubleshooting: Why isn't my balance showing up?
There are a few reasons why your balance may not be showing up in your Troubleshooting wallet.
1. You may not have enough Bitcoin to cover your balance. Make sure you have enough Bitcoin in your account to cover your current balance.
2. Your balance may be frozen because you have not transacted in a while. Make sure you are actively trading and spending Bitcoin to keep your balance active.
3. Your balance may be frozen because you have been banned from the Troubleshooting wallet.
4. Your balance may be frozen because you have not submitted your transaction to the network yet.
5. Your balance may be frozen because you have not signed in to the Troubleshooting wallet.

I can't see my balance in trust wallet, what's wrong?
If you can't see your balance in the Trust Wallet, there may be a problem with your account. Please check to see if your account is still active and if there are any pending transactions. If you still cannot see your balance, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance.
What could be the reasons for trust wallet not showing balance?
There could be a few reasons why your Trust Wallet balance may not show up in the app. First, if you have not used your Trust Wallet in a while, the app may need to reload the balance data. Second, if you have removed your Trust Wallet from your device, the app may not be able to find it and retrieve the balance. Finally, if your Trust Wallet has been lost or stolen, the balance may not be available to be retrieved.
Could something be wrong with my trust wallet if it's not showing my balance?
Yes, something could be wrong with your trust wallet if it's not showing your balance. Check to make sure the following are all true: 1. Your trust wallet is up-to-date. 2. Your trust wallet is connected to the network. 3. Your trust wallet has enough funds in it. If any of these are not true, please contact support at [email protected] and we'll help you get your trust wallet fixed.
Is it a problem with my phone if trust wallet isn't displaying my balance?
It is not a problem with your phone if trust wallet isn't displaying your balance.
How do I know if my tokens are safe if I can't see them in my trust wallet balance?
If you have not received your tokens in your trust wallet balance, there is a chance they are no longer there. If you have not received your tokens after several days and you have followed all of the trust wallet instructions, there is a chance they may have been lost or stolen. You can try to contact the team or check the status of your tokens on the token sale website to see if there is any information about their whereabouts.
I'm trying to check my balance in trust wallet but nothing is showing up, help!
One possible issue is that your trust wallet is not connected to the network yet. You can try connecting it by following these steps:
1. Open trust wallet on your computer.
2. Click on "Settings" in the top right corner of the window.
3. Under "Network," click on "Connect to Network."
4. Enter your trust wallet's address into the "Address" field and click on the "Connect" button.
5. If you're connected to the network, you should now see your trust wallet's balance in the "Balances" section.