Send Bnb To Trust Wallet Bep2
If you're looking to store your Binance Coin (BNB) off of the Binance exchange, Trust Wallet is a great option. This guide will show you how to send BNB from Binance to Trust Wallet using the BEP2 protocol.
How to send BNB to Trust Wallet (BEP2)
In order to send BNB to Trust Wallet (BEP2), you will first need to create an account on Trust Wallet. Once you have created your account, you can then send BNB to your Trust Wallet (BEP2) account.
To send BNB to your Trust Wallet (BEP2), follow these steps:
1. On the home page of Trust Wallet, click the "Send" button.
2. In the "Send to" field, enter the address of the account that you would like to send BNB to.
3. In the "To" field, enter the address of the account that you would like to receive BNB from.
4. In the "Amount" field, enter the amount of BNB that you would like to send.
5. Click the "Send" button.
6. If you have completed the steps correctly, you will now see a confirmation message confirming the transfer of BNB to your Trust Wallet (BEP2).
Binance Coin on Trust Wallet (BEP2)
To store Binance Coin on the Trust Wallet, you will first need to create an account. After logging in, go to the Accounts tab and select Add Account.
Type in the following information to create a new Binance Coin account:
Name: Binance Coin
Email: Leave this empty
Passphrase: Leave this empty
Click Create Account.
After creating your account, click on the Funds tab and select Add Wallet.
Enter the following information to add the Trust Wallet to your account:
Name: Trust Wallet
Email: Leave this empty
Passphrase: Leave this empty
Click Add Wallet.
Now that you have added your Trust Wallet to your Binance Coin account, you can start to store Binance Coin there. To do so, click on the Wallets tab and select Binance Coin from the list of wallets.
Click on the Download button to download the Binance Coin wallet. After downloading the wallet, open it and click on the Import/Export button.
Select the Binance Coin wallet file you downloaded from the Accounts tab and click on the Import button.
After importing the Binance Coin wallet, you will be asked to verify the account. Click on the Verify Account button.
Now that you have verified your account, you can start to store Binance Coin on the Trust Wallet. To do so, click on the Wallets tab and select Binance Coin from the list of wallets.
Click on the Add button to add Binance Coin to your wallet. After adding Binance Coin to your wallet, you will be able to see your balance and transactions.
How to use Trust Wallet for Binance Coin (BNB)
1. Open Trust Wallet and create a new account.
2. Click on the “BNB” tab and select “Add a coin”.
3. Fill in the required information and click on the “Create BNB wallet” button.
4. You will be taken to the main BNB wallet screen. Click on the “Send” button and input the desired BNB amount.
5. Click on the “Submit” button to complete the transaction.

Using Trust Wallet for Binance Chain's BEP2 Standard
Trust Wallet is one of the most popular wallets for the Binance Chain. It's easy to use, has a large user base, and offers a number of features not found on other wallets.
To use Trust Wallet to store your BEP2 Standard tokens, open the app and click on the three lines in the top left corner. Then, select "Wallets" from the menu.
Scroll down to the "BEP2 Standard" section and click on the blue "Add" button.
Type in "BEP2 Standard" into the "Token Name" field and click on the "Add" button.
Copy the "Token Address" and "Token Symbol" fields and paste them into the "Token Address" and "Token Symbol" fields of your BEP2 Standard wallet, respectively.
Click on the "Save" button to finish adding your BEP2 Standard tokens to Trust Wallet.
How to store Binance Coin (BNB) on Trust Wallet
To store Binance Coin (BNB) on the Trust Wallet, follow these steps:
1. Open the Trust Wallet app and sign in.
2. Find the Binance Coin (BNB) section and tap on it.
3. On the Binance Coin (BNB) page, you will see various information such as the BNB balance, transaction history and more.
4. To store BNB, you will need to first add the token to your wallet. To do this, tap on the Add to Wallet button and enter the token address.
5. Once you have added the token, you will need to save the wallet address. To do this, tap on the Save button and enter a safe password.
How to add Binance Coin (BNB) to Trust Wallet
1. Log into your Trust Wallet account.
2. Click on the "Accounts" tab.
3. Find the "Binance Coin" account and click on it.
4. On the "Binance Coin" account page, click on the "Addresses" tab.
5. On the "Addresses" tab, click on the "Send" button.
6. On the "Send" button, enter the following information:
1. Binance Coin address: 0x06cd4d4c4b4e20959f2b0ae02a3b7d8a9f72a2
2. Amount to send: 10 BNB
7. Click on the "Send" button.
8. After sending the BNB, you will receive a confirmation message.

Sending Binance Coin (BNB) to Trust Wallet
To send Binance Coin (BNB) to your Trust Wallet, follow these steps:
1. Open your Trust Wallet and click the "Send" button located in the top left corner.
2. Enter the address of the Binance Coin (BNB) wallet you wish to send the tokens to and click the "Send" button.
3. Your Binance Coin (BNB) will be sent to your chosen wallet and you will receive a confirmation message.
Adding Binance Chain's BEP2 Standard Assets to Trust Wallet
1. Add Binance Chain's BEP2 Standard Assets to Trust Wallet
Head over to Trust wallet and click on the 'add asset' button.
Next, find Binance Chain's BEP2 Standard Assets and click on the 'add asset' button.
After adding the asset, you'll need to provide a name for the asset and a description. Click on the 'save' button to finish.
2. Use the Trust Wallet to Trade BEP2 Standard Assets
Now that you've added BEP2 Standard Assets to Trust wallet, you can start trading them using the Trust wallet's built-in exchange.
To do this, open the Trust wallet and click on the 'exchange' button.
Next, find the BEP2 Standard Assets you want to trade and click on the 'buy' button.
Enter the amount of BEP2 Standard Assets you want to buy and click on the 'buy' button.
Your purchase will now be processed and the assets will be added to your account. You can now use them to trade on the Trust wallet's exchange.

How to add BEP2 assets to Trust Wallet
1. Open the Trust Wallet app on your phone.
2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
3. Select "Add asset."
4. Tap on "BEP2."
5. Enter the amount of BEP2 you want to add to your account, and tap on "Next."
6. Review the information about the asset, and tap on "Next."
7. Tap on "Done."
Using Trust Wallet for BEP2 Standard assets
You can use Trust Wallet to store BEP2 Standard assets.
How to store BEP2 assets on Trust Wallet
To store BEP2 assets on Trust Wallet, you will need to:
Create a new wallet or use an existing one. Go to the Trust Wallet home page and click on the "Add Funds" button. Enter the amount of BEP2 tokens you want to add and click on the "Add Funds" button. Click on the "View Accounts" button. Find the account you want to store the BEP2 tokens in, and click on the "View Details" button. Click on the "Send BEP2" button. Copy the BEP2 address that is shown in the "To Address" field. Go to your computer and open a new wallet or use an existing one. Paste the BEP2 address that you copied from Trust Wallet into the "To Address" field of the new wallet or use an existing one. Click on the "Connect" button. Click on the "Send" button. The BEP2 tokens will be sent to the BEP2 address that you entered into the "To Address" field.
To store BEP2 assets on a Ledger Nano S, you will need to:
Create a new wallet or use an existing one. Go to the Ledger Nano S home page and click on the "Add Funds" button. Enter the amount of BEP2 tokens you want to add and click on the "Add Funds" button. Click on the "View Accounts" button. Find the account you want to store the BEP2 tokens in, and click on the "View Details" button. Click on the "Send BEP2" button. Copy the BEP2 address that is shown in the "To Address" field. Go to your computer and open a new wallet or use an existing one. Paste the BEP2 address that you copied from Ledger Nano S into the "To Address" field of the new wallet or use an existing one. Click on the "Connect" button. Click on the "Send" button. The BEP2 tokens will be sent to the BEP2 address that you entered into the "To Address" field.