How to connect Trust Wallet to PancakeSwap iOS?
In this article, we show you how to connect your Trust Wallet to PancakeSwap on iOS. This will allow you to trade directly on the decentralized exchange from your mobile phone.
How to connect trust wallet to pancakeswap on iOS
1. Open trust wallet on your iOS device.
2. Tap on the three lines in the top right corner of the screen.
3. Under "Account Info," tap on "Add Account."
4. Enter the following details:
- Name: Pancakeswap
- Email: pancake@
- Password: password
5. Tap on "Verify Email" and then on "Verify Password."
6. If everything looks correct, tap on "Create Account."
How to add trust wallet to pancakeswap on iOS
1. Open Pancakeswap on your iOS device.
2. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner.
3. Select Account.
4. Tap on Add Trust Wallet.
5. Enter your trust wallet's credentials.
6. Tap on Add.

How to use trust wallet with pancakeswap on iOS
1. Open trust wallet on your iOS device.
2. Tap the "Add Wallet" icon in the top right corner of the trust wallet screen.
3. Enter the following details:
a. Your iOS device's unique ID (e.g. MEID, product name, etc.)
b. The Pancakeswap API key that you received from Pancakeswap
4. Confirm the details by tapping "Done".
5. You're now ready to start trading pancakes!
How to set up trust wallet for pancakeswap on iOS
1. Open the Pancakeswap app on your iOS device.
2. Tap on the Settings gear icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.
3. Under the "Settings" heading, tap on the "Trust Wallet" option.
4. In the "Trust Wallet" screen, you will need to provide your Pancakeswap account name and password.
5. Tap on the "Confirm" button to finish setting up your trust wallet.

Connecting trust wallet to pancakeswap on iOS
1. Open the trust wallet app
2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner
3. Select "Add account"
4. Enter the following details:
- Username: Pancakeswap
- Email: [email protected]
5. Click on "Sign In"
6. Select the Pancakeswap account from the list of accounts
7. Click on the "Swap" button
8. Enter the following details:
- Address: Pancakeswap_Address
- Amount: 10 pancakes
9. Click on "Swap"
10. Click on "Confirm"
Adding trust wallet to pancakeswap on iOS
1) Open trust wallet and sign in
2) Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen
3) Under "Accounts," tap on "Add Account"
4) Type in "pancakeswap" into the "Name" field and "true" into the "Type" field
5) Tap on the "Add Account" button
6) The account will be added to your trust wallet
7) To send pancakeswap coins to someone, open that person's trust wallet and tap on the "coins" tab
8) Tap on the "Send Coins" button next to the pancake's name
9) Enter the recipient's address and tap on the "Send" button

Using trust wallet with pancakeswap on iOS
To use pancakeswap with trust wallet on your iOS device, you will first need to create an account on pancakeswap. Once you have created your account, you will be able to add your trust wallet address as a payment method. After adding your trust wallet address, you will be able to send and receive pancakes using trust wallet.
Setting up trust wallet for pancakeswap on iOS
1. Open the Settings app on your device.
2. Tap on Wallet and select Trust Wallet.
3. Enter your Pancakeswap username and password.
4. Tap on Create New Wallet.
5. Enter a name for your wallet and tap on Create.
6. Your new trust wallet will be created and you will be able to start trading pancakes with other users.
Trust wallet connection guide for pancakeswap on iOS
Step 1: Open up the Pancakeswap app on your iOS device.
Step 2: Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
Step 3: Select Settings.
Step 4: Tap on the Account tab.
Step 5: Select the Connections button.
Step 6: Select the Pancakeswap connection you would like to use.
Step 7: Enter your username and password.
Step 8: Tap on the Connect button.
Adding trust wallet to your pancakeswap account on iOS
To add trust wallet to your pancakeswap account on iOS, follow these steps:
1. Open the pancakeswap app on your device.
2. Tap on the settings icon in the top-left corner of the app.
3. Under “Account Settings”, tap on “Add Account”.
4. In the “Add Account” screen, enter trust wallet into the “Login” field and tap on the “Submit” button.
5. After entering trust wallet into the “Login” field, your account will be automatically added to your pancakeswap app.
Using trust wallet with pancakeswap exchange on iOS
1. Open Trust Wallet on your iOS device.
2. Tap the three lines in the top right corner to open the menu.
3. Tap Settings.
4. Tap Wallet.
5. Find Pancakeswap in the list of exchanges and tap it.
6. Tap the three lines in the top right corner to open the menu.
7. Tap Add Exchange.
8. Enter Pancakeswap in the exchange name field and tap OK.
9. Tap the three lines in the top right corner to open the menu.
10. Tap Settings.
11. Tap Wallet.
12. Find Pancakeswap in the list of exchanges and tap it.
13. Tap the three lines in the top right corner to open the menu.
14. Tap Manage Funds.
15. Tap Pancakeswap in the list of funds and tap it.
16. Tap the three lines in the top right corner to open the menu.
17. Tap Withdraw Funds.
18. Enter your Pancakeswap address in the Amount field and tap OK.
19. Your funds will be transferred to your Pancakeswap account within a few minutes.