How long is a Trezor pin?

A Trezor pin is a four-digit code that is used to unlock a Trezor device. The device must be connected to a computer in order to input the code.

How long does a Trezor pin last?

Trezor pin lasts around 6 months with normal use.

How to change your Trezor pin

If you need to change your Trezor pin, you will first need to update your Trezor firmware. To do this, follow these instructions:

1. Download the latest Trezor firmware from

2. Connect your Trezor to your computer and open the Trezor firmware folder.

3. Double-click on the trezor.exe file to start the Trezor firmware update process.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the firmware update.

5. Once the firmware update is completed, restart your Trezor device.

How to reset your Trezor pin

How to reset your Trezor pin

The reset button is located on the back of the Trezor. To reset your Trezor, press and hold the button until the green light starts flashing.

How to create a strong Trezor pin

There is no one definitive way to create a strong Trezor pin. However, some tips that may help include:

1. Choose a strong and durable material to create your pin. For example, metal or plastic.

2. Make sure the pin is easily distinguishable from the Trezor device itself. For example, make the pin larger or more colorful than the Trezor device.

3. Choose a strong security measure for your pin, such as a complicated password or biometric authentication.

4. Store the pin in a secure location, such as a safe or encrypted drive.

How to remember your Trezor pin

Trezor pin: 3 6 8

What to do if you forget your

What to do if you forget your Trezor pin

If you forget your Trezor pin, you can reset the PIN using the Trezor web interface or by plugging in your Trezor and issuing a command (see this article for more information).

Comments (5):

The pin code is easy to remember.
The pin code is a security measure.
The pin code can be changed if needed.
The pin code is 4 digits long.
Richard O'Kelly
Richard O'Kelly
The pin code can be reset if needed.

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