Internal JSON-RPC error metamask mobile.

If you're seeing the message "Internal JSON-RPC error," it means that Metamask couldn't establish a connection to a node. This can happen for a number of reasons, including: - You're not connected to the internet - The node you're trying to connect to is down or unreachable - You're behind a firewall that's blocking Metamask's connection If you're sure you're connected to the internet and the node you're trying to connect to is up and running, then the problem may be with your firewall. Try temporarily disabling your firewall and see if that fixes the problem.

Internal JSON-RPC Error Metamask Mobile

Error when sending JSON-RPC request: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined"

Metamask Mobile Internal JSON-RPC Error

If you are experiencing an error when trying to use the Ethereum Metamask Mobile internal JSON-RPC, please ensure that your Metamask is up-to-date and that your Ethereum client is configured correctly. For more information, please see our guide to using Ethereum Metamask Mobile.

JSON-RPC Error with Metamask Mobile

If you are using Metamask Mobile and experiencing an error when attempting to use the JSON-RPC feature, please follow these steps:

1. Open Metamask on your mobile device.

2. Click the three lines in the top left corner of the main Metamask window.

3. Select Settings.

4. Under "Configure," click on "JSON-RPC."

5. On the "JSON-RPC Settings" page, under the "Host" heading, type the following address:

6. Under "Port" type 18081.

7. Under "Query String" type ?method=json_rpc&id=

Metamask Mobile JSON-RPC Error

Metamask mobile JSON-RPC errors can occur when you try to make a call or send a message. There are several possible reasons why this might happen, and we'll outline some of the most common ones.

1. You don't have the right permissions

If you don't have the permissions required to make the call or send the message, Metamask will return an error. This might be because you're not using the correct Metamask account, or you're not logged in with that account.

2. The call or message couldn't be completed

If the call or message couldn't be completed for any reason, Metamask will return an error. This might be because the person you were trying to call or message wasn't available, their phone was turned off, or there was a network issue.

3. You mistyped something

Sometimes, you might mistype something when you're trying to make a call or send a message. If this happens, Metamask will return an error. Make sure you're spelling everything correctly, and double-check that you're entering the correct Metamask account information.

4. You're using an outdated version of Metamask

If you're using an outdated version of Metamask, it might not be able to communicate with the network properly. This might cause errors when you try to make calls or send messages. If you're not sure whether you're using an outdated version of Metamask, we recommend checking the version number on your device.

Error with Metamask Mobile's J

Error with Metamask Mobile's JSON-RPC


You may have an issue with Metamask Mobile's JSON-RPC endpoint. Please try again later.

JSON-RPC Error in Metamask Mobile

One possible error you may encounter with Metamask is JSON-RPC errors. If you're experiencing this error, please follow these steps to resolve it:

1. Navigate to your Metamask app settings.

2. In the "General" tab, under "Debugging," make sure that "Enable JSON-RPC debugging" is enabled.

3. Restart your Metamask app.

4. Open a new terminal window and enter the following command:

metamask rpc

If you are still encountering errors, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.

Comments (6):

Jessica Williams
Jessica Williams
The node you're trying to connect to is down or unreachable.
Metamask can't establish a connection to a node.
Internal JSON-RPC error.
You're not connected to the internet.
Try temporarily disabling your firewall and see if that fixes the problem.
You're behind a firewall that's blocking Metamask's connection.

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